Learn how to “End the Stalemate”

Consider these sobering trends:

  • Since the 2016 presidential election, nearly a third of people report they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to political disagreements.1
  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans say they stay quiet about their political beliefs due to the fear of offending co-workers or managers resulting in losing their job. They have good reason to worry.2
  • When surveyed, 42% of pastors have seriously considered quitting. When asked why, a top answer is bitter division within the church where factions believe the congregation would be better off without “them.”3

Can you relate?

The purpose of this website is to give you place to practice having hard conversations with no risk.  If you get angry, or even shout at the screen there’s no chance of hurting a relationship, or putting your job in danger.  We hope this is a safe place to be in process.

Click here to get started! https://endthestalemate.com/